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Our Oceans, Our Future

Teaching children about the threat to our oceans, climate change and pollution - an exciting project.

Our Oceans, Our Future

Five of our schools are working alongside 11 regional (ELP) schools to take children to the Natural History Museum in London.

Over 1,200 children (years 2 to 4) will be engaged in a workshop, visit marine galleries and then carry out a variety of activities to ensure the sustainable nature of this project and educate young hearts and minds. Other activities will include an exhibition of work completed by the children (at two venues), research into pollution, coral bleaching, the impact of food chain changes and the children will have the opportunity to make files and act as 'reporters'. The project will last for three years.

The 188 children from The Raleigh School thoroughly enjoyed their day out! They saw a show about threats to our oceans, as well as looking at marine animals and the threatened polar bear. It was a packed day and the children behaved impeccably - Mrs O'Neill (Headteacher) was so proud and has thanked Mrs Booth for organising the trip as well as the staff and parent volunteer team who went too. 

STEM Learning are always keen to support school projects and are currently involved in the National Green Careers Week (click here to find out more and access case studies, videos and resources).