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2023 Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

SFET Year 4 children have the best possible foundations in mathematics. The children attending schools within South Farnham Educational Trust have achieved 51% higher than the national average.

The government have released national data for the 2022/23 multiplication tables check (MTC). The multiplication tables check publication was first released in 2022 when the assessment became statutory for all year 4 pupils registered at state-funded maintained schools, special schools, or academies (including free schools) in England. 

The children attending schools within South Farnham Educational Trust have achieved 51% higher than the national average.

  • National percentage of pupils achieving 25 out of 25 marks = 29%
  • South Farnham Educational Trust percentage of pupils achieving 25 out of 25 marks = 80%

Notable success:

  • South Farnham School percentage of pupils achieving 25 out of 25 marks = 100% (136 children)
  • The Raleigh School percentage of pupils achieving 25 out of 25 marks = 100% (64 children)
  • Highfield South Farnham School percentage of pupils achieving 25 out of 25 marks = 80% (63 children)

Jake McMullan led the MTC preparation and approach at The Raleigh School in East Horsley. The Raleigh School saw 39% of their Year 4 cohort achieve 25/25 in 2021. This increased considerably to 59% in 2022. However, the academic year of 22-23 saw the school make a few changes to how times-tables are taught. The changes brought success, with the school reaching the 100% target. To ensure that other schools and teachers can benefit from this work, Jake has kindly prepared this case study. Click here to download a copy now.