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Our Oceans Our Futures: A Series of Educational Exhibitions

The recent series of exhibitions held across several schools within the South Farnham Educational Trust and the Effingham Learning Partnership has been a remarkable success, showcasing the creative and educational efforts of pupils focused on the theme of ocean conservation. These events, generously funded by the American School Cobham, provided a platform for students to display their artwork, projects, and knowledge, emphasising the importance of protecting our oceans.

Great Bookham School's Artistic Showcase

On Tuesday, 4th June, Great Bookham School hosted an event that brought together four local schools: Great Bookham Primary, Eastwick Junior, Polesden Lacey Infants, and St Lawrence Primary. The school hall was transformed into an underwater wonderland, complete with jellyfish hanging from the ceiling, fish decorating the walls, and even a real beach in the corner. The event featured a variety of engaging activities, including games, pledge-making stations, and a popular "sounds of the sea" station.

Children from each school displayed their projects, attracting over 300 visitors, including teachers, parents, and governors. The event was honoured by the presence of Mrs. Clare Curran, Surrey County Council Cabinet Member for Children, Families, and Lifelong Learning, who interacted with the children and explored their impressive artwork, models, poems, letters, and posters. Additionally, James Landon, Head of Science, and Ruth Hopkins both from The Howard Partnership attended, expressing their admiration for the quality of the work displayed. James Landon has led science training for all the teachers involved in the project for which the Trust was very grateful.

The Raleigh's Under-the-Sea Extravaganza

On Thursday, 6th June, The Raleigh hosted an exhibition where students from The Raleigh, St Matthews Infant School, Downside, Cobham, and Royal Kent Primary, Oxshott, showcased their work. The school hall was transformed into an underwater scene, complete with a giant display of sea creatures hanging from the ceiling. There was an exclusive screening of the play "Sid the Squid," recorded during its performance at the school. The exhibits demonstrated imaginative ideas and creativity and visitors enjoyed the engaging and educational displays.

South Farnham Junior School's exploration of biodiversity in our oceans

South Farnham Junior School hosted its exhibition on Wednesday, 12th June, focusing on various ocean-related themes. South Farnham School explored biomimicry in action, Highfield South Farnham Primary School delved into ocean zones, and Busbridge Infants School. explored the theme of art, inspired by the oceans. The diverse projects were colourful, creative, and engaging, highlighting the students' understanding of the importance of maintaining biodiversity in our oceans. All children and adults thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon, it was a great opportunity for pupils to reflect on the importance of maintaining the delicate balance of biodiversity in our oceans.








Oakfield's Grand Finale

The final event took place at Oakfield on Thursday, 13th June, welcoming Wallace Fields Infants from Epsom and Fetcham Village Infants School. The Learning and Additional Needs Centre at Oakfield showcased arts and crafts, including clay work and junk modeling, while Oakfield's Year 4 students shared some fascinating fact files on sea creatures and recycling. A life-size aquarium displayed 3D models, adding to the immersive experience. Wallace Fields Infants impressed visitors with letters written to King Charles III, emphasizing the importance of ocean conservation, and Fetcham Village Infant School's Year 2 students contributed word searches and information booklets.  Close to four hundred visitors attended the exhibition with many of them commenting positively on the wonderful work produced by all pupils.

A Collaborative Effort with Lasting Impact

These exhibitions were a testament to the collaboration between all the schools in the South Farnham Educational Trust and the Effingham Learning Partnership, generously funded by the American School Cobham, who paid for the coach transport and Oceans Show the schools and the support from the American School Cobham, which funded coach. This initiative began with a visit to the Natural History Museum in November, where students enjoyed a virtual trip to the seabed, sparking their interest and passion for ocean conservation.

The enthusiasm and creativity displayed by the students suggest a bright future where these young minds will be dedicated to addressing climate change, promoting recycling and understanding the profound impact on marine life. The success of these events not only highlighted the students' talents but also underscored the importance of educating future generations about the need to protect our oceans.