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Celebrating Our Teachers on #ThankaTeacher day

On Wednesday 19th June, South Farnham Educational Trust celebrated the incredible dedication and hard work of the teaching staff across its eight schools. This special day was marked by treating each school to a cake and for larger schools an additional box of Heroes chocolates, a small gesture to express immense gratitude for the outstanding teachers, teaching assistants, and support staff within the Trust.

Sir Andrew Carter, CEO of South Farnham Educational Trust, Claire Harden, Deputy CEO of SFET and Linda Ross, Chair of the Trustees, expressed their heartfelt appreciation. Claire Harnden stated, “It is such a privilege to deliver a small token of appreciation to all the schools that make up the SFET family. Our wonderful staff change children's lives!”


The celebration was met with enthusiasm and gratitude across all schools. At Busbridge Infants, the team warmly received the treats and shared their appreciation: “We are very lucky and grateful to have such an amazing trust and fabulous school team who make a difference to our wonderful children every day.”

This day of appreciation highlights the vital role that educators and support staff play in shaping the lives of children. Thank you to all the teachers, teaching assistants, and support staff for your unwavering commitment and hard work.

#ThankaTeacher #ClassroomHeroes